Ever heard your grandparents talking about how they worked for the same organization for decades happily as if they were married to it? It’s not the case for the new boomers. Job hopping which was considered to be a negative point in your resume has now been redefined due to globalization. The WWW. world made way for the global market by removing regional confines.

Job jumping can be seen as a generational alteration as well. Kids coming out of college in today’s era are entering a different work environment. Career counsellors usually advise people to keep a constant eye on outside opportunities. They fortify the notion that you get ahead faster by switching companies. However, it is not always the best option. It may lead the employer to think that you are unprofessional. A rash job choice made with insufficient information, is actually you compromising with your future. Usually job seekers or who want to switch, focus on readily accessible specifics like salary and job title, they set their sights on the immediate future, thinking only of what affects them directly and ignoring the larger milieu. Few things you need to keep in mind when you apply for a job to realise what shall you be accountable for and will you be able to deliver the desired results, be clear in your head about what you want for yourself. Any employer would want to see stability and consistency in your resume to be able to trust you and you will need time more than a few months to ace at any skill.

“The millennial workforce is an interesting cohort and the world is always curious about their next move. In recent years, many studies have been commissioned to get a deeper understanding of what they, with the reputation for job-hopping, are looking for in an employer. In the same way that the generation has redefined consumerism,studies indicate that the workplace is another commodity of consumption for the millennials:unless they feel the job is worth their while or are meaningfully engaged, they will look out for the next best opportunity. Employers need to devise ways in which they can retain and continue to attract this talent pool.”said by Sashi Kumar,Managing director,Indeed India. It could be that you got a supposedly great job that turned out to be a big-time snooze or another context could be that you work for a few months and expect a raise and when you don’t get what you anticipated, you lookout for new jobs. 


Patience is the key. Over estimating yourself, running after money, not doing enough research before applying are some mistakes you make. Job hopping may help in developing different skills but you need to know that skill advancement too takes time. Give it more than a year even if you find it mind-numbing. Look around, there might be others needing assistance, just helping around your colleagues and subordinates will teach you a lot and make a better working environment. Your resume needs to show that you are reliable.

BWBUSINESSWORLD blog states that as per a survey conducted by Indeed about the Indian workforce, “56 percent of Indian workers have voluntarily left a role after only a short period of time, with 85 percent of respondents stating that they would add a job to their resume regardless of how long they had stayed in that role. Whilst the concept of job hopping is not a new one, the Indian workforce is seeing a climb in project-based work and contract work, which is fuelling a willingness to switch roles more readily.

The most popular reasons for leaving a role in a short period of time were that:

  • the job did not live up to expectations (30 percent)
  • it was an unhappy work environment (29 percent)
  • they were offered a better role elsewhere (38 percent).

As per the survey, 49 percent of respondents saw job hopping as an opportunity to learn new skills and over 43 percent stated job hopping could help boost their resume or identify greater job prospects. However, the trend seems to be slightly higher amongst millennial men than women wherein, 47 per cent of the latter surveyed has never voluntarily left a role after a short period of time, as compared to 43 percent of the former.”

If a candidate is swapping jobs every few months, only then will he be considered as a regular hopper. Completing a year or so in an organization and then switching does not imply that the candidate is running only after money. At the end of the day, the candidate will look for personal and professional growth. Similarly, the recruiter would also focus on adding the minimum cost to the company. Therefore, they should be more detailed with the kind of questions that they ask the candidate to understand the motivating factors and the real reason to change. If the candidate is very much sure about his performance level, then they can agree on a basic salary as per the company’s norms and decide on an incentive percentage which will be paid as per the candidates’ performance. This way the candidate will be motivated to work harder. It will be a win-win situation for both parties. However, some experts in career counselling believe that you should always be looking for new job opportunities not only because of monetary/positional benefits but to compete with the ever-growing market for which you need to move out of your comfort zone. Your purpose in life and career is to keep growing with no final destinations.

Job hopping for employees is more positive than it is for employers. Companies are investing their time, mind and money in the entire hiring process. They expect you to give them your time and intelligence too. If you change your jobs every 4-5 months, you will definitely see the flags raised because for them it is a lost investment. They cannot trust you with major projects which might make you feel unsatisfied with your work life. It also disrupts your track record. You have to mention the results in your resume which will represent your value. The most prominent pros of job-hopping are you creating a bigger network for yourself and new skill development but if you expect it all to happen in a span of few months, sorry buddy, but that will do you more wrong than right. If you possess various kinds of skills, start working as a freelancer instead. Having too many short-term gigs in your resume could be an issue, explain them to your recruiter instead of foreshadowing. Make them see it as a plus point in your mental development. Carefully articulate what you have learned from such gigs and how can you use those skills in the company you are applying for.

The economic world now is both globalized and diversified. Where some companies might like your desire to grow faster, others might expect you to grow organically as the company grows. But that doesn’t mean you need to work with them for ages. The wider your resume skill and result section is the better, hopping from industry to industry accumulating new skills is how you grow.

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